Sunday, June 12, 2011

Friday's Foul Food Foto Numero 10

Well, haven't I been naughty! What a good bad bloggeroo I've been recently... not keeping my Friday's Foul Food Foto promises... I've been very naughty indeed...

... but who can blame me...

My lists recently have been as long as both of my arms and body put together (which equals 5"2). I only know this as apparently your arm span (including your body) is the same as your height. I know...there's not much of me.

Yes... recently life a la Moopette Maison has been very crazy and hectic. We've had many lovely visitors over the past few weeks, the kids had a holiday from School, I've been running a new business, been in-talks about The Third Policeman and getting my head around all that needs to be made for it, going to my daughter's Preschool and filming them all to make a little video for them, trying to fitten up, making music videos and still trying to keep on top of normal life and have lots of fun.

So... pretty wiped out to be honest... and a tad perplexed whether to keep this all going really...

Do you lot like seeing my strange little music videos, concoctions of makes, things about life, kids and nonsense?? It's funny isn't it, this whole blogging thang... writing your brain away into the world, wondering who or if anyone's interested.

Anyhow... enough of that talk... I thought that as I'd missed this week's Food Foto I'd better come up with the goods... so here's a double whammy...

Does it make you hungry?

Isn't it just such a sight of beauty?! The juxtaposition is fabulous isn't it...

On another note, we had a little surprise tonight and found out that Mr Phizmiz (aka husband) was on Stuart Maconie's Freak Zone  just today, at around 15 mins in. It's always nice when we hear about a surprise radio playing.

Here's the video I made last year for the single that Stuart Maconie played today.

Well then, that's me for now. I'm orrrrf to catch what's left of this old film with my favourite actor probably of all time... the most wonderful James Stewart.

Hope you've had a good rainy day.


Trashsparkle said...

Yikes - thats a lot of busy stuff going on; creative stuff is all or nothing at times. I veer too often to the "nothing" side of things, so good on you for getting all those things happening! The mister's music looks good - will have to check out some more. Don't you dare disappear from blogland - we love seeing what you've been getting up to! xx ps foul food is as excellent as ever - some form of savoury blancmange I presume? ;)

Miss Moopette said...

Oh thank you so much for your kind comment! I love your comments. My eyes started welling up when I read this one! I will indeed continue. Thanks for the umph to keep me going. xxx

Lisa-Marie said...

Well, that all looks a bit like someones insides, no?

Hurfah for you husband, and also, beautifully done video! :)

Miss Moopette said...

Thanks Lisa-Marie!! :~} x

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