Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wibbly-Wobbly Toothy Woothy

Autumn, our little mischevious six year old has lost her first wobbly tooth...

Thought I'd put some cheerier photos on compared to the headless rabbit of yesterday's post.

We were sat eating our tea outside in the sunshine discussing when her tooth would be out and alas! We were all wrong. It came out as she was brushing her teeth and she has either swallowed it or accidentally spat it into the sink, so a letter has been written to the tooth fairy to let her know.

Well, kiddie's bed time now and time for mummy and daddy to start enjoying their whole new box set of the 4th Series of the 50's Twilight Zone!! Hurrah.

Nighty night.


Unknown said...

So exciting! And so funny that she lost it.

Miss Moopette said...

I know! Literally! Eeek!! :-}

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